41 callisto xtra herbicide label
PDF Herbicide - Agrian year of Callisto). If additional herbicide must be applied, it is recommended that a different mode of action be used, i.e., other than an HPPD inhibitor (Group 27 Herbicide). Callisto must be applied at full label rates to help prevent selection for, or population shifts toward, marginally tolerant weed species and/or species biotypes. PDF CALLISTO® XTRA - Keystone Pest Solutions CALLISTO® XTRA 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION A16907D Use: Herbicide Product identifier on label: CALLISTO® XTRA Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Post Office Box 18300 ... Have the product container, label or Safety Data Sheet with you when calling Syngenta (800-888-8372), a poison contol center ...
Callisto 480SC - Herbicide | Syngenta CA The page you were looking for could not be found. If you continue to see this page, please contact our Customer Interaction Centre for assistance. 1-877-964-3682 or cic.canada@syngenta.com. Go Back. Go to Syngenta.ca Home.

Callisto xtra herbicide label
PDF RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE - Agrian Callisto Xtra is a selective herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds and certain grasses in eld corn, seed corn, eld corn grown for silage, yellow popcorn, sweet corn and sugarcane. Callisto Xtra is a systemic postemergence herbicide and is absorbed through the foliage of emerged weeds and also by soil uptake. Callisto Herbicide Price - Justagric Callisto Herbicide is a selective herbicide that provides excellent residual control of broadleaf weeds including pansy, henbit, Marestail, purslane, horseweed, curly dock, wild carrot, Carpetweeds, Pusley Florida, Silverleaf, and mallow. It may be tank mixed with preemergence or postemergence grass herbicides to provide control in corn. Callisto Xtra Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons [100-1359] - $139.95 : Keystone ... Callisto Xtra Herbicide delivers contact and residual control of the toughest broadleaf weeds. Powered by Callisto Plant Technology, Callisto Xtra is registered for use in field corn, field corn grown for silage, seed corn, sweet corn, sugarcane and yellow popcorn. Benefits: Patented synergistic herbicidal combination of mesotrione and atrazine
Callisto xtra herbicide label. Callisto Xtra - Herbicide Product & Label Information - Syngenta US Callisto Xtra Herbicide Powered by Callisto Plant Technology ®, Callisto ® Xtra delivers contact and residual control of the toughest broadleaf weeds in a convenient premix of mesotrione and atrazine. Callisto Xtra is registered for use in field corn, field corn grown for silage, seed corn, sweet corn, sugarcane and yellow popcorn. callisto xtra herbicide label - reliabletankline.com where to buy glyphosate herbicide; copenhagen v randers prediction; flipkart customer care number bihar; barron ielts listening test 1 audio; miami heat covid rules; how much does a 911 dispatcher make per hour; deep creek high school phone number. ... callisto xtra herbicide label. April 23, 2022 PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, CALLISTO XTRA, 4/4/2011 Product Name Callisto Herbicide Camix Selective Herbicide Lumax Selective Herbicide Lexar Herbicide Callisto Xtra If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Mindy Ondish at (703) 605-0723 or at ondish.mindy@epa.gov. Sincerely, Kathryn V. Montague Product Manager 23 Herbicide Branch Registration Division (7504P) PDF Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention - Us Epa Callisto Xtra contains 0.5 pounds of mesotrione and 3.2 pounds of atrazine and related triazines per gallon. 1Atrazine with a maximum of 1.4% related triazines. (CAS No. 1912-24-9) 2CAS No. 104206-82-8 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. CAUTION See additional precautionary statements and directions for use [on label] [inside booklet].
Callisto - SYNGENTA herbicide Callisto - SYNGENTA herbicide. Registered until: October 9, 2022. SYNGENTA - herbicide. 12323. FORMULATION & ACTIVE INGREDIENT: CALLISTO is a suspension concentrate containing 100 g/l (9.1% w/w) mesotrione. TARGETS: Selective control of annual broad-leaved weeds in forage and grain maize. RAINFASTNESS: 1 hour. GENERAL INFORMATION. PDF Mesotrione Group 27 Herbicide Pull Here to Open - Cdms Callisto® Herbicide is formulated as a suspension concentrate (SC) and contains 4 lb of active ingredient mesotrione per gallon. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. ... Callisto Herbicide must be applied at full label rates to help prevent selection for, or population shifts toward, marginally resistant weed species and/or species biotypes. Reichman Sales & Service | Reichman Sales & Service Products Callisto ® Xtra Herbicide Category Herbicides Manufacturer Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. Documents MSDS Qty. Needed Pack Size Disclaimer Purchaser is responsible to read the Product Label and Use requirements for this product. Syngenta Corn Herbicide Portfolio Callisto Xtra - Tank mix partner of choice for glyphosate • Full rate: 20.0-24.0 fl oz/A • Two active ingredients: Mesotrione, Atrazine • Application timing: Post-emergence up to 12-inch corn • Purpose: Adds two modes of action to Touchdown Total® herbicide, provides faster burndown than a glyphosate-only treatment and delivers ...
EOF Callisto Xtra is the Tank Mix Partner of Choice for Long-Lasting ... Callisto Xtra owes its origin to the discovery of a natural herbicide secreted by the Callistemon plant. This is Callisto Plant Technology and it brings unprecedented broadleaf weed control and exceptional crop safety to Callisto Xtra the competition cannot match. Callisto Xtra (20 oz/A) Laudis (2.0 oz/A) + glyphosate Impact (0.5 oz/A) + glyphosate PDF Callisto Xtra - Keystone Pest Solutions, Low price herbicides and ... Callisto Xtra is a selective herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds and certain grasses in fi eld corn, seed corn, fi eld corn grown for silage, yellow popcorn, sweet corn and sugarcane. Callisto Xtra is a systemic postemergence herbicide and is absorbed through the foliage of emerged weeds and also by soil uptake. Pesticide Storage, Application and Rainfast Times - Ag PhD Pesticide Storage, Application and Rainfast Times - Ag PhD. This chart is for your reference only. Please check the label for the current and most correct information about each product. Show entries. Search:
CALLISTO - Herbicide | Syngenta CALLISTO contains mesotrione for control of a range of broad-leaved weeds and certain grasses in forage and grain maize. CALLISTO Safety Data Sheet (306.62 KB) CALLISTO Product Label (189.35 KB) CALLISTO Tank Mix List (26.98 KB) Registrations Application Advice Emergency Filter by Crop - Any - Forage and Grain Maize
Callisto Xtra | Syngenta LLC | Agworld DBX | Greenbook View the product label for Callisto Xtra from Syngenta LLC. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook ... Callisto Xtra Syngenta LLC. Labels. Label SDS. Snapshot ID: 46631 Active ingredients Atrazine Mesotrione Classification. C1. Herbicide. WSSA mode of action 5 Inhibition of ...
Callisto Xtra Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons [100-1359] - $139.95 : Keystone ... Callisto Xtra Herbicide delivers contact and residual control of the toughest broadleaf weeds. Powered by Callisto Plant Technology, Callisto Xtra is registered for use in field corn, field corn grown for silage, seed corn, sweet corn, sugarcane and yellow popcorn. Benefits: Patented synergistic herbicidal combination of mesotrione and atrazine
Callisto Herbicide Price - Justagric Callisto Herbicide is a selective herbicide that provides excellent residual control of broadleaf weeds including pansy, henbit, Marestail, purslane, horseweed, curly dock, wild carrot, Carpetweeds, Pusley Florida, Silverleaf, and mallow. It may be tank mixed with preemergence or postemergence grass herbicides to provide control in corn.
PDF RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE - Agrian Callisto Xtra is a selective herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds and certain grasses in eld corn, seed corn, eld corn grown for silage, yellow popcorn, sweet corn and sugarcane. Callisto Xtra is a systemic postemergence herbicide and is absorbed through the foliage of emerged weeds and also by soil uptake.
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